Celebrating Forty Years of ZERO

Steve Kimock will return to Sonoma County for two special nights at the Mystic Theatre in Petaluma, CA. Join us November 8 & 9, celebrating 40 years of ZERO along with Greg Anton(drums), Pete Sears (bass), Banana (guitar), Hadi Al Saadoon (trumpet), Spencer Burrows (keys), and some special surprise guests…of ZERO along with Greg Anton(drums), Pete Sears (bass), Banana (guitar), Hadi Al Saadoon (trumpet), Spencer Burrows (keys), and some special surprise guests… We look forward to sharing the magic with you back in California! A portion of the proceeds from these shows will benefit the Camp Winnarainbow Grace & Joy Scholarship Fund. Founded by Mr. & Mrs. Wavy Gravy, Camp Winnarainbow. 🔥Visit mystictheatre.com campwinnarainbow.org
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