thanks…just listening…not a question…

i met you a long time ago…at a hornsby show…my buddy knew charlie miller…we spoke about your guitars and amp…basically how you get the sound…dumble amps…just want to make it short…we have all been trapped for the last seven weeks…so to make my working from home enjoyable…i set up a little system near my desktop and for the last five weeks i have been listening to your shows…i started with 9/11/97 and as i am writing this email…i am currently listening to “why can’t we all just samba? from 6/1/2002…i look forward to listening to 7/3/2002 tomorrow…thanks for the music…you have made this pandemic for me a little more manageable…you might have become my favorite guitarists…the other three are zappa…mclaughlin and fripp…fripp was not that nice to me when i met him…so you got him beat there.

thanks again,

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