Custom guitar

First of all, thank you for playing such honest and truly from the soul music.

I have been playing the same kind of music for as long as I can remember. Although not on the same level. Even in 8th grade, some 20 years ago, the guitar was my place of worship.

I know this is a long shot. But I have always appreciated how you take the time to connect with your fellow gear heads over the years. I am having my first 100% custom guitar being built for me. Would you consider writing me a short inspirational note that I can have the luthier glue inside the body? It is a small body arch top, so it would tuck right in there. Out of sight.

Call it mojo, like hunting down an old wall of sound JBL or something. I think it would kick so much ass though.

Thanks for your time good Sir, and fucking rock on!

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